My friend Jill has a tradition of blogging every day in December, and this year she asked people to join her. I will try to join her. I just finished a book manuscript the day after Thanksgiving, and that means…
I’m speaking at the University of Cardiff on November 30th. This is the text of my talk; the intro is printed below. Traditionally, in Anglo-American and Continental philosophy, music is addressed as the object of philosophical analysis: it is…
In the last few weeks, each day seems to bring news that yet another handful of prominent men are serial sexual assailants and/or harassers. As a feminist political philosopher, I know that this is not a matter of bad apples,…
I’m giving a talk at the end of the month at the Future Sounds of Pop Music conference in Bern. Here’s the (too)full text of the talk. I’ve reprinted the introduction below. Looking at US and UK pop from the…
I’m talking about “Chill Moderation & Feminine Loudness” today (Friday 10/27/17) at the NEPCA meeting in Amherst, MA. Here is the copy of the outline I’ll be speaking from.
Here is the full text of my talk for the 2017 SPEP meeting. I’ve printed the introduction below. Traditionally, in Anglo-American and Continental philosophy, music is addressed as the object of philosophical analysis: it is either a case study for…
I have a full draft of the whole book, and I’ve just finished revising the introduction to reflect all the changes and additions I made over the summer. It has a more nuanced version of the argument, and a full…
2017 brings some big life changes for me, so I thought I’d update everyone on what’s happening and how that’s affecting my work. My partner will be starting a teaching gig at a prep school in Connecticut this fall. This…
Back in 2014 I started working on this book chapter about feminist new materialism. I was trying to figure out what’s at stake in new materialist theorists’ widespread adoption of acoustic or acoustic-like metaphors: resonance, vibration, diffraction, etc. Here’s the…
I’m giving the opening keynote at IASPM-International this Monday the 26th June. Here’s the full text of the talk. In case my slides don’t work on the projector, here they are.
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