I’m blogging my way through the texts for my Spring 2018 Feminist Theory seminar. Angela Mitropolous’s Contract & Contagion takes up a lot of the themes we’ve discussed so far: contract (obviously), property in person, the public/private or production/reproduction split,…
I’m blogging my way through the texts for my feminist theory seminar this spring. Here’s week 5. “At the turn of the twenty-first century, girls’ futures existed in a dense constellation of anticipatory relations, imagined as cascades of probabilistic…
I’m blogging my way through the course texts for my grad feminist theory seminar in Spring 2018. This week we’re reading Melinda Cooper’s book Family Values. Questions: What is the relationship between neoliberal notions of responsibility (see Cooper, but also…
I am blogging my way through the course texts for my grad feminist theory seminar this term. This week we’re reading selections from Carole Pateman’s The Sexual Contract & Dean Spade & Craig Willse’s “Marriage Will Never Set Us Free.”…
This is the second installment of me blogging my way through the course texts for my spring 2018 seminar in feminist theory. Today we read selections of Federici’s Caliban and the Witch. This is a classic text in feminist…
I’m teaching a lot of new texts this term in my graduate feminist theory course, so to collect my thoughts as I work my way through the readings I’ve decided to write up something every week and post it here. …
People do these year-end rundowns of accomplishments, and I find they’re helpful to draft what will ultimately become my performance review that I’ll have to file sometime this spring term. So, voila: Writing I published 2 peer reviewed articles: “Is…
In the Q&A at my Goldsmith’s talk, part of the conversation was about how to do more just and ethical scholarship. Given what I had discussed about Ashon Crawley’s critique of Philosophy-capital-P as a practice of enclosure [1], I was…
Today I’ll be speaking at Uni Sussex. Here’s the text of the talk.
I’m speaking today at Goldsmiths University. Here’s the text of my talk.
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