“Britney, bitch” and 4D sonic/affective transmission
OR: superpanoptic data profiling in “Scream & Shout” [and, as always, this is raw, unrefined writing/work in progress…] will.i.am & Britney’s “Scream and Shout” does something really musicallyinteresting. The track features Britney: she went into a recording studio to lay…
Jasbir Puar, Non-Metric Time, Steve Reich, and Kelis
This is an excerpt from the introduction to the manuscript I’m working on. Here, I’m discussing Jasbir Puar’s reworking of Foucaultian biopower into her notion of “superpanopticism.” She argues that superpanopticism operates not just in space (i.e., in 3D) but…
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