Make It Rain v 0.1

“Make It Rain” is citation:obsolete’s update on Steve Reich’s “It’s Gonna Rain”–it uses contemporary tech (smartphones, tablets, wifi/wireless/bluetooth, etc.), contemporary music (specifically, Fat Joe feat. Lil Wayne’s “Make It Rain”), and trends in contemporary art practice (interactivity, relational aesthetics, etc.)…

From Bay to Brostep: Neoliberalism from post-cinematic affect to EDM

Steven Shaviro’s Post-Cinematic Affect addresses the way the shift between classically liberal and neoliberal systems of social/artistic organization plays out in film and 4D visual media (And, I’m working with the version printed in Film-Philosophy, because that’s what I taught…

Jasbir Puar, Non-Metric Time, Steve Reich, and Kelis

This is an excerpt from the introduction to the manuscript I’m working on. Here, I’m discussing Jasbir Puar’s reworking of Foucaultian biopower into her notion of “superpanopticism.” She argues that superpanopticism operates not just in space (i.e., in 3D) but…

Phase-shifting process music as an analogue for social identitity: or, re-thinking intersectionality via “It’s Gonna Rain”

So, I’m working on am argument that social identities (race, gender, etc.) are mutually constitutive, and that metaphors of “intersection” and “blending” don’t accurately capture the ontology of social identities (as mutually constitutive). As a part of the argument, I…

steve reich <=> beyonce

Compare: (1) Reich’s “Clapping Music” (one of the phasing pieces) to (2) Beyonce’s “Single Ladies” (sorry, no embed for this one) I’m teaching a course this summer on the philosophical, aesthetic, and compositional relationship that tie mid-20th c avant-garde…