Trolling Is the New Love & Theft

I’m crossposting this week’s post on cyborgology because it speaks directly to ideas I’ve been developing over here on IHF. Robin Thicke’s “Blurred Lines” and Miley Cyrus’s “We Can’t Stop” have been two of the most controversial songs/videos in the…

NY’s Dance Tax, Art/Entertainment Hierarchies, and Women’s Bodies

New York State’s proposal to exempt erotic dancing from the tax exemption on dance performance is all about policing women’s work, women’s bodies, and class/race-based norms about the “appropriateness” and “significance” of female nudity. This NewYork Times editorial gets it…

manic pixie dalek girl & more misogyny from moffat in the new dr who

manic pixie dalek girl & more misogyny from moffat in the new dr who

Obviously, spoilers below. I watched “Asylum of the Daleks” last night; it’s the first episode in the new season/series of Doctor Who. Pro: lots of Daleks, and the eggs/exterminate puns. Cons: Moffat’s continued, disappointing, if expected, misogyny. I mean, come…

Taking women seriously as artists

So, it is often the case that women’s accomplishments (in art, research, business, politics, whatever) are often overlooked for, read in terms of, seen as dependent on, or otherwise secondary to their appearance. Adrian Piper has commented on the tendency…

On Gender and Misogyny in Mark Dery’s Anti-Gaga Argument

Recently, Mark Dery published a piece in “True/Slant” arguing against Lady Gaga’s intellect, artistry, and cultural value: First, I’ll put my cards on the table (and some of you may already be quite familiar with these cards): I’m adamantly…