Sound Body: Ohio abortion laws, Wendy Davis, & Rachel Jeantel

A number of recent events led me to think about the way women’s relationship to the state and to citizenship/civil personhood is constituted in and through sound. I also want to think about the technologies that help women’s bodies make…

“Britney, bitch” and 4D sonic/affective transmission

“Britney, bitch” and 4D sonic/affective transmission

OR: superpanoptic data profiling in “Scream & Shout” [and, as always, this is raw, unrefined writing/work in progress…] & Britney’s “Scream and Shout” does something really musicallyinteresting. The track features Britney: she went into a recording studio to lay…

From Bay to Brostep: Neoliberalism from post-cinematic affect to EDM

Steven Shaviro’s Post-Cinematic Affect addresses the way the shift between classically liberal and neoliberal systems of social/artistic organization plays out in film and 4D visual media (And, I’m working with the version printed in Film-Philosophy, because that’s what I taught…

Unnatural Participations: Thoughts on Deleuze & Affect, Paul Ryan, Flava Flav, and Bez

That’s Bez, Happy Mondays’ hype man, on the left. The purpose of this post is both to help the students in my grad class, who are starting out the semester with the “Becoming-Intense” chapter of Thousand Platueaus, and to draw…