How To Subvert Biopolitical Administration/Big Data/Neoliberal Superpanopticism?
This post follows up, but doesn’t complete or come to any final conclusions about, some issues that were discussed in my Spring 2012 graduate feminist theory class. This past semester in my graduate feminist theory course, we read Foucault and…
Music Geek-Out #11: Luscious Jackson’s “Naked Eye”
Just to remind everyone, I’m doing a series on the playlist I curated for the dinner at philoSOPHIA 2012 at Miami U in Oxford, Ohio. The playlist is Oxford-centric, and feminist-centric. In homage to the old Oxford radio station 97X…
Intensification vs Intersection: “Metrosexual Black Abe Lincoln”
Intensification vs Intersection: “Metrosexual Black Abe Lincoln” In this post I both unpack the slur in the title, and use it to explain how discourses of “difference” (race, sexuality) function in neoliberal Western democracies. So some on the American…
Music Geek-Out #9: Pixies “Monkey Gone to Heaven”
Again, there are many reasons why I chose this song for the philoSOPHIA dinner playlist at Miami. As I mentioned, I was doing a little “awesome female bassist” subsection of the set. AND, at a school an hour away from…
Music Geek-Out #8: Talking Heads “Psycho Killer”
Not only is this song a classic in the Modern Rock canon, it also has some specific significance in my grad school experience, and it plays nicely off one of the first songs in the “dance party” portion of the…
Music Geek-Out #7
Next is XTC’s “Making Plans for Nigel”. This track was always on 97X’s Modern Rock 500 (a countdown of the 500 best modern rock songs, held the same weekend as the Indy 500, which was about a two hour drive…
Music Geek-Out #5
Sorry for the hiatus–the end-of-term hustle gobbled up my life for the past few weeks. So, back to the philoSOPHIA/WOXY dinner playlist: Next is another Ohio band, Cleveland’s Pere Ubu. Keeping with the post-industrial theme, I chose their “Final Solution.”…
Music Geek-Out #10: The Breeders “Cannonball”
When I was a teenage girl growing up in John Boehner’s congressional district halfway between Cincinnati and Dayton, OH, Kim Deal was the ish. She was from where I was from, but she managed to escape post-Mapplethorpe crazy Republican land…
Shady and Coercive Pro NC Amendment 1 Practices at the Church That Is Also My Polling Place
So, I just got back from voting in North Carolina’s primaries today. As a registered Democrat, the only really interesting primary is for the NC governor’s race. However, as readers of this blog are probably well aware, the big issue…
Hipster Racism
After Jezebel’s recent post on Hipster Racism, the topic is newly hot in the feminist/race blogosphere. And that’s great! We really need to be talking about the ways racism and white supremacy inform the everyday practices of “good, white liberal”…
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