Music Geek-Out # 13: Guided By Voices “I Am a Scientist”

Guided By Voices is a Dayton band, and they were in heavy, heavy rotation on WOXY.  I chose this song for two reasons: (1) it’s one of my favorite GBV songs, and (2) in German, “science” or “Wissenshaft” has a…

Is It Ethical To Eat Chick-Fil-A?

Chick-Fil-A has always worn its spiritual and social commitments on its sleeve (or wing). As a recent press-release explains,  From the day Truett Cathy started the company, he began applying biblically-based principles to managing his business. For example, we believe…

Music Geek-Out #12: (London) Suede’s “Beautiful Ones”

Wow, I’ve dropped the ball on this series. Sorry! Lots of summer writing, a book proposal to get out, articles to get out, all that jazz. Anyway, this is part of a playlist I did for philoSOPHIA 2012, hosted at…

From New Wave to No Wave #2: New Wave, Same Old Whiteness

This is a continuation from an earlier post. There I discuss Sara Ahmed’s work on the politics of disorientation. In this post, I look at the ways that New Wave’s musical disorientation re-centers conventional accounts of whiteness, specifically, white (men’s)…

Rhythm Nation, Vangelis, and Blade Runner

One day at the gym I was listening to Janet Jackson’s Rhythm Nation 1814 album (an album that I first bought on cassette tape, at a record store in Tri-County Mall, back in the late 80s).  The very first track…

My Life Would Suck Without You/Where Have You Been All My Life: Tension-and-Release Structures In Tonal Rock and Non-Tonal EDM-Pop

In this post, I contrast the formal elements in the song and video for Kelly Clarkson’s “My Life Would Suck Without You” with the formal elements in the song and video for Rihanna’s “Where Have You Been All My Life.”…

From New Wave to No Wave: The (d)evolution of whiteness in late 70s post-punk music aesthetics — #1

“The strangeness that seems to reside somewhere between the body and its objects is also what brings these objects to life and makes them dance” (Ahmed QP 162; emphasis mine). I’m working on a chapter for a collection on critical…

Roman and Raymond: Or, Nicki, Usher, and the Gendering of (Black) Genius

Because I intend, eventually, to weigh in with my own take on Roman Reloaded, I’ve been reading up on all the excellent feminist writing on Nicki Minaj. As I was making my way through the articles/blog posts/etc., the fabulous Ann…

Johnny B. Goode, Back to the Future, and the Greatest Rock ‘n’ Roll Swindle

Today I was in the gym, where have all my best ideas (I blame it on the increased oxygen to the brain). What I talk about in this post is definitely not on the list of Robin’s best ideas, but…

Re-Thinking “The Visual”: Time, Process, and 4D

I’m working on a manuscript in which I contrast classically liberal visual epistemes with neoliberal affective and audiological epistemes. If classical liberalism thinks with and through primarily “visual” examples, neoliberalism thinks with and through examples derived from different modes of…