Ahmed Killjoys Class Agenda

This is the agenda for Feminist Theory on 4/22/14. Attend & Announce Next class is the last class! We’ll read the Grace Jones section of Shavrio’s PCA Projects are due in my email inbox no later than 11:59pm Sunday 5/4….

On Pharrell's "Happy"

On Pharrell’s “Happy”

This is a cross-post from Cyborgology. I find Pharrell’s massive hit “Happy” really, really irritating. And, for that reason, I love it. In the same way that The Sex Pistols were Malcolm McLaren’s massive joke on us, this song is,…

“Waves of Moderation”–My plenary talk for the Sound, Music, & Affect Conference at Stony Brook on 4/18

I’m honored and excited to be giving one of the plenary talks at the upcoming Sound, Music, & Affect conference at Stony Brook.Here is the full text of my talk. IASPM attendees will notice that this is a more fully fleshed-out…

Against “Ordinaryism” as an alternative to Accelerationism

Recently Robert Jackson wrote an essay that considered “ordinaryism” as a possible alternative to neoliberal accelerationism. He argues: Our provocation towards, what I call ‘ordinaryism’ is less of a tactical move, not a hostile polemic, certainly not a threat, than…

Some thoughts on “the mainstream”

Yesterday’s plenary panel at IASPM was about “the mainstream” as a (pop) cultural phenomenon, a media practice, and a critical theoretical concept. I have some really nerdy philosophical thoughts about the conversation that I didn’t bring up in the discussion…

Contortions & Disorientation–On not being comfortable

The philosophy blogosphere is currently debating the politics of tone and “civility.” Many, many, MANY philosophers can’t seem to understand why anyone should ever be made to feel uncomfortable in a conversation with someone else. Basically, the idea they’re resisting…

Just Ludacris Enough — Outline for my IASPM talk Friday 3/14/14

I’m giving a talk Friday 3/14/14 at the IASPM-US conference in Chapel Hill. Here is the outline from which I’ll be speaking. You can use it to follow along if you’re there, or to peek at some ongoing research if…

Sound, Sophrosyne, & the “Excesses of Affection”

Over on CUNY’s Digital Labor Working Group Blog, I’m participating in a symposium organized by Karen Gregory on Angela Mitropoulos’s book Contract & Contagion. The book is about “oikonomics,” or Mitropoulos’s reworking of biopolitics through a concept of the gendered, racialized, sexualized, etc.,…

Philosophical Attunements: Flutes & Women in Plato’s Symposium

This is an excerpt of a talk I gave at DePaul University in February 2014. I think it will be relevant for some of the conversations that I will be participating in this week over on the CUNY Digital Labor…

Toxic women and “absolute subsumption”

This is cross-posted from Cyborgology. This post is really a series of questions that arise when I tried to think about my earlier post on the production of WOC/black feminists as “toxic” in light of Jodi Dean’s new post “What comes after…